South Moon Wormwood Eye Patch In Pakistan, Massage Plaster, South Moon Wormwood Eye Patch Protect, Eyesight Keep Good Vision Eye Care, Sticker Relieve Fatigue Myopic Massage Plaster
- Solve blurred vision and no more tired eyes!
- It is specifically designed to help relieve eyestrain, dried eyes, tired eyes and puffiness eyes.
- Formulated by natural ingredients, including wormwood, bamboo and sour white, which would stimulate the main acupuncture points around the eyes and solve general eye diseases effectively after each application.
- Reduce the appearance of under eye puffiness. Help provide relief for dry eyes, visual fatigue caused by excessive blue light and screen time, stress, and environmental stressors.
- Relief for dark circles and eye bags caused by lack of sleep, poor lifestyle habits, stress, and environmental stressors.